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Obedire In Italiano

Obedire: Italian to English Translation

Meaning and Usage

The Italian verb "obbedire" means "to obey" in English. It is an irregular verb that conjugates differently from regular verbs. The present tense conjugation of "obbedire" is as follows:
  • io obbedisco (I obey)
  • tu obbedisci (you obey)
  • lui/lei obbedisce (he/she obeys)
  • noi obbediamo (we obey)
  • voi obbedite (you all obey)
  • loro obbediscono (they obey)
The past tense of "obbedire" is "obbedii," and the past participle is "obbedito."


Here are some examples of how "obbedire" is used in sentences:

I cittadini devono obbedire alle leggi. (Citizens must obey the laws.)

Il computer non sembra ubbidire ai miei comandi. (The computer does not seem to obey my commands.)

Devi obbedire ai termini del tuo rilascio. (You have to obey the terms of your release.)


Some synonyms for "obbedire" in English include:
  • comply
  • obey
  • follow orders
  • abide by
  • respect
  • submit to
